Monday, June 25, 2012


Zelda is the princess of hyrule. She possesses the triforce of courage. This means she is blessed by the goddess Nayur. With her triforce of wisdom zelda has all wisdom of everything. In zelda skyward Zelda is reincarnation of the goddess Hylia. Hylia was the goddess who was trusted by the 3 golden goddesses  to protect the triforce. Zelda has been known as many things in different games. In ocarenia of time she known as the princess of dystany. In ocarenia of time zelda is also the leader of the sages. With her triforce of wisdom she has the ability to turn into a being called shiek. Shiek is a being with all sorts of ninja skills and zelda uses this to hide from the forces of ganondorf while link is traped in his 7 year sleep. In the first game legend of zelda she is captured and splits the triforce of wisdom into 8 pieces and spreads them across the land of hyrule so Ganon cant find them. She is hidden in Ganon's lair at death mountian.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Link is the chosen hero of the goddesses.He has the triforce of courage. Which means he blessed by the goddess farore. Since Link does have the triforce of courage he has mastery over all weapons.Link's most common enemy is ganondorf. In most of the zelda games except for Legend of Zelda Twilight princess and Skyward Sword link is usally  a child or young adolescent hylian. The only game where Link mother is mentioned is ocarenia of time. In link to the past Link is a descendant of the knights of hyrule.   

The Triforce

The triforce is the essence of the 3 goddesses. When the 3 goddesses created hyrule they left a object made of 3 triangles called the triforce. The triforce was left under the protection of the goddesses Hylia. Since Hylia was a goddess herself she was unable to use the power of the triforce. The 3 pieces of the triforce were the Triforce of Wisdom, Power, and Courage. The triforce of Wisdom was formed from the essence of Nayur. The triforce of Power was formed from the essence of Din. The triforce of courage was fromed from the essence of Farore.If someone was able to claim all 3 pieces of triforce then they would gain the true force. If anyone had the true force then they would decide the faith of hyrule. The only way for someone to gain the true force they would need to be perfectaly balanced in wisdom, courage, and power. If someone touched the triforce and was not perfectly balanced then they would gain the piece in which they were most balanced with and the other to pieces would choose thoes who were most worthy.     

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Legend Of Zelda

     The Legend Of Zelda has been a gaming franchise for 25 years. In the first game their are only 2 pieces of the triforce that are mentioned. These pieces of the triforce are wisdom, and power. The triforce is the essence of the 3 golden goddesses. The 3 golden goddesses are Din, Nayur, and Farore. Din is the goddess of power. Farore is the goddess of courage. Nayur is the goddess of the wisdom. These 3 goddesses created the land of Huyrule ,the sacred realm, and the realm of Termina. Termina is a  parallel world of hyrule. Termina is also a more advanced world then Hyrule, their so advanced that they have even begun plans to visit the Moon. Zelda is the princess of Hyrule and has the triforce of wisdom. Link is chosen hero of the goddess and has the triforce of courage. Ganon hold the triforce of power. Ganon is also know as Ganondorf. These 3 gained their pieces of the triforce because Ganon had used Link to enter the sacred realm and had touched the triforce which split it into 3 pieces. The triforce had split because Ganon was not perfectly balanced in power, courage, and wisdom. Power was his greatest strength so he was given the triforce of power. This gave Link the triforce of courage and Zelda the triforce of wisdom. Since Link has the triforce of courage he has the ability to master any weapon he holds without training. The triforce of power gives Ganon his great strength and infinate mystical power. The triforce of wisdon gives zelda her great wisdon and mystical powers.

This is the most basic and most known information of the zelda series.